I have unwittingly become a connoisseur of the human experience. Being a career missionary has given me an in-depth look into the trials and triumphs of those precious lives I have been honored to love and serve. It is a labor of the heart when you work with people. Joy and sorrow mingled with adventure and responsibility. Life, with all the good and the bad, is a beautiful thing.
But sometimes life can be ugly, leaving us shattered and unable to cope. Divorce, death, depression and despair can rob us of a proper understanding of what God longs to do with the broken pieces of our lives.
Sunlight illuminating small shards of glass that create a vibrant story for all to see. Stained glass. One ponders the design, time and talent it takes to create such art. Incredible masterpieces that take our breath away as we stand in awe before them. So very similar to own our lives.
We look with shame at the broken pieces of our lives because we are unable to comprehend that God is writing a story for the world to see. Just as the Master-craftsman uses bits of heated lead to strengthen the bond between pieces of broken glass, so the Lord pours His love and forgiveness into our hearts in order to reflect His redemptive story once more upon the canvas of the world.
What God Sees
You see broken pieces, God sees beautiful possibilities.
Here are some incredible facts about stained glass that might interest you:
- Each tiny piece of broken glass is carefully fitted and is a part of the entire design.
- An exact fit is made by careful etching and nibbling away at the edges (grozing).
- A stained glass window is created not only to tell a story but to fit into a definite space.
- It is built to resist heavy winds and rain and is stronger than a singular piece of regular glass.
Centuries ago, to produce red glass, craftsmen had to use pure molten gold, making the entire stained glass window a priceless work of art.
Stained glass windows are illuminated from within and meant to share the beauty without. In essence, beckoning the world into the church through its colorful bits of broken glass held together through the strength of the lead.
Every shattered place in your heart can become an exquisite piece of art in the Masters’s skillful care. As you allow His love to shine through your brokenness, you share hope to a hurting world. And finally, it is His precious blood that gives eternal value to your life. Let Him turn your brokenness into beauty today.
Stasia is mother to six beautiful children and wife to a dedicated, loving husband. They have served as a family together on the mission field on four continents for over 30 years. Stasia’s passion is to share in true colors the grace of God in her life. You can read more about her and the ministry of the Women’s Bible Cafe here. If this article has blessed you in any small way, please consider showing your support by clicking subscribe in the upper right corner. Copyright© 2015 Stasia Nielsen All Rights Reserved

This is incredible! I had no idea the specifics of stained glass and I like how you compared it to the brokenness in each of us, and how God has a design for each of our lives. That is beautiful, thanks for sharing!
Good Morning Kelly, I am so glad you dropped in. I really love your blog. You have a knack for writing. Thank you so much for your encouragement. God is good and I am continually amazed at how He takes even the most shattered and dark places and creates a new place of beauty where His love and light can shine through for others. God bless you! Love, Stasia
Oh, what a wonderful read. Isn’t this so true? Sometimes what we see are the mistakes we and others made. But God only see the good things. Like a father waiting for his prodigal son, forgetting all his offenses and still showering him with love and extravagance he doesn’t deserve.
What a God we have!
Amen, Thank you Lux for such a beautiful reply. I am praying that the Lord richly bless you this day. Love and prayers, Stasia