Blessed to be a Blessing~
That is exactly how I feel, so very blessed. Β Because of this I want to BE a blessing. Β SO…
Β I am beyond excited to announce my very first Giveaway! Β
3 Precious People will walk away with one of these neat gifts just in time for Valentine’s Day!
Grand Prize~ 1 Lucky Winner will receive this Study Bible!
I recently received the Kindle version of The Chronological Study Bible. Β I absolutely love it and you will too! Β One Lucky winner will receive a Hardcover Copy of this excellent study Bible. Β (Please see terms and conditions below)
“The Chronological Study BibleΒ presents the text of the New King James Version in chronological orderβthe order in which the events actually happenedβwith notes, articles, and full-color graphics that connect the reader to the history and culture of Bible times. It is the only NKJV study Bible arranged in chronological order.” Β ~Amazon
1 Lucky Winner will receive my eBook Tiastasia’s Food Memoirs~
“This is a scrumptious collection of recipes from around the world, sprinkled with a bit of food history, cultural anecdotes, and stories of real life on the mission field. From the Philippine jungles to the poorest villages of Mexico, Stasia shares from her heart beautiful and godly lessons about grace, humility and hospitality. I highly recommend this book not only for its wealth of recipes (she includes recipes for baked goods, desserts, appetizers, soups and salads, entres, beverages, and breakfast foods), but for the faith she shares, inspiring one to trust God and His “small voice” as He leads and teaches each of His children, no matter on what mission field they find themselves.”
~Amazon Reviewer

Names of God Cards with Who AM I? Bookmarks~
And One Lucky Winner will receive these~
Jesus, what a beautiful name~ Prince of Peace, Lamb of God, Redeemer, Faithful and True. Β Here are my very own Names of God Cards. Β 10 color, double-sided, laminated cards to serve as a constant reminder of Who He is for each of us. Β As a special gift, I will include 3 Who Am I? bookmarks, one for you and a couple of friends too!
Thank you for joining me during this fun event!
What you need to know (AKA-the Rules):
The contest will run from January 28th- February 12th 2014. Β You must post the answer to “What book inspired you the most over the last year?”Β in the comment section below. Β 3 (and only 3) Lucky Winners will be randomly selected and announced on Valentine’s Day 2014. Β Please read the rules carefully as posted on the Rafflecopter Widget.
Important Terms: 3 Winners only, must be 18 years old to enter, open to legal resident of USA and Canada,Β void were prohibited by law. WBC leaders not eligible to enter giveaway.To Enter Click on the Rafflecopter Giveaway Link Below!
ΒΒ a Rafflecopter giveaway
Stasia is mother to six beautiful children and wife to a dedicated, loving husband. They have served as a family together on the mission field on four continents for nearly 29 years.Β Stasiaβs passion is to share in true colors the grace of God in her life.Β You can read more about her and the ministry of theΒ Womenβs Bible CafeΒ here. Meet Missionary Mom and Ministry Leader Stasia Nielsen If this article has blessed you in any small way, please consider showing your support by clicking subscribe in the upper right corner. Β Β
God loves broken people
Lisa, Please make sure you click on the Rafflecopter widget and follow the instructions. After you post your comment, which you did, thank you, you must click on the link in the widget to say that you did for an entry. You can log in with either your email address or Facebook.
Okay Lisa, I see you as entered now. You are the first entry!
Hello.The book of Proverbs for its wisdom was my book for last year.
Yolanda, Yes one of my absolute favorites as well. God bless you. Good luck in the Giveaway!
I hope I did it right! I have not been with Women’s Bible Cafe for very long yet I will have to say the Bible Study “David, Seeking a Heart Like His” by far has been the most meaningful to me..I think it has to do with the season I am in my life right now and I am so ready for more Blessings to come! I would love to build my library and these items would be wonderful! Thank you Stasia!
Yes Cindy, You are terrific.
I am loving David as well. This week is the best thus far! Good luck with the Giveaway.
The book that has inspired me the most is Rees Howell Intercessor. I have never read a more inspirational story of walking by faith.
Loved Reese Howell Intercessor as well. God bless you Jennifer.
Gina Duke’s book “Organized Prayer Closet”. Changed the way I pray and helped me to be a more organized prayer.
M. Waters
Thank you Melissa, I have not read that one. Will add it to my list. God bless you.
Okay, what a wonderful gift…. I enjoyed reading a few books, but not sure, if we are talking about a book or a book of the bible, so I can say that the book that helped me and I enjoyed was: Charles Stanley The blessing of brokeness… Wow, I just wished I would have read it awhile back, but also understand, that this was the time to Read…
What great book Isabel. I need to re-read that one. God bless you.
Make sure you share this with your friends ladies~I will check your entries later on today… Looking great though, I am making my book list for this year and you all are helping me!!!
I read and LOVED, ” The Day I Was Crucifed as Told by Jesus”, by Gene Edwards … I was so excited to find it at a Goodwill this last weekend for $2.00!!! So, I’m going to read it again and beg my 15 yr. old girl to read it too;)
I love Gene Edwards Yvonne, What a steal.. so jealous. Great book. I just finished listening to Prisoner in the Third Cell and A Tale of Three Kings. I have read them many times but so enjoyed listening on Audible.
What a wonderful blessing this would be for 3 somebodies π
And maybe for you Faith!! God bless you darling.
I think the study (book) that has been such a blessing to me The Hem of His garment Hope for those who need healing by Sue Liljenberg…Wow the impact that this has been on my life is truly amazing……
Jeanne, Thank you so much. I have not read that book so I look forward to finding it. May the Lord bless you!
Rick Warren / What On Earth Am I Here For? A must read! Encouragement and filled with the word of God.
Yes, most definitely Blanche. Excellent read. God bless you.
That would be a blessing
Hi Chris! What would be a blessing? If you are entering the contest please leave the name of a book that inspired you here. π
Hello…me again…I’ve tried several times to follow instructions….doesn’t seem to let me complete entry…? It does’nt download…just keeps spinning ( the circle)
My favorite book, that I’ve read completely….is , ” Why do bad things happen to good people? “
Thank you !!!! I did it !!! I’d love to win it for a friend of mine…she’s really struggling right now…with letting go and letting God !!!! Please agree with me in prayer for her, to have the eyes of her heart to be opened!!! Thank you Jesus !!!!
Susan, You have it just fine. Well done and God bless you..
Wife After God by Unveiled Wife/Jennifer Smith
I have the book and have not read it yet Tammy, I hope to read it soon. God bless you.
My very favorite book this year is “The Insanity of God” The Story of a Faith Resurrected” by Nik Ripkin.
This is an amazing missionary story based on Nik’s interviews with Christians living in persecution.
Yes, This is a very good book… Nice to meet you! God bless you and good luck!!
I would say the book that has been the most inspiration to be is the Bible. I hope that i get this to go through right. I think this is where I can post a comment!!! Thank you Stasia!
You are in the right place Christina! God Bless you Darling!
I did the Bible in 90 Days reading plan and it has really opened my eyes a lot!!! There were things that I forgot had occurred in the Bible and there were things that I didn’t know about, and God has shown me some wonderful gems while doing it. I want so badly to know Him better than I know myself!!!!! Thank you again Stasia! You are a wonderful Godly woman and an inspiration to me!!!
I read The Missional Mom by Helen Lee. Great Book!
I am just getting started on real Bible study. Having a chronological Bible would be such a great help. Bless you for being such a blessing!
Women of Christmas and Tune In: How to Hear God’s Voice Through the Static are the two best books I’ve read in the past year. I would not be able to choose which I enjoyed more. They are so different from each other and both offered some amazing insight.
Hi Missy, have you read a book that inspired you this last year?
I read breaking free by Beth Moore, which was an eye-opener for me!
I loved Breaking Free Carol. It remains my all time favorite Bible Study…
I have the Breaking Free member book, and have been wanting to do that study for awhile now. I am not good at doing studies by myself though. I need a partner or a few people to work with so that I can get a better understanding from them and can put my thoughts out there to other women as well. Hoping that I can get a few girls together somehow to do this study with me sometime in the near future. I have been feeling like there are areas of bondage in my life!!!! Keep me in prayer!
Christina I am in a rush to carpool, however I have to say Breaking Free is my favorite. I have the audios. I love it. God bless you dear.
I would love these!
Hi Victoria, Have you read any books that have inspired you lately?
The book, Tortured For Christ by Richard Wurmbrand, has really affected me. This is a true story of martyrs and survivors who were held in communist countries. Some of it is horrific but the message of forgiving captors is impressive because of that. Knowing that God is Mighty to Save in very big things & in all small things is a comfort to me.
Moving book, was in tears most of the time I read it. Great book, Lisa. God bless you
I hope I entered this correctly, not sure about the Rafflecopter ? Never seen that before. Did it work, Stasia?
I think so.. I will check it in a bit… I will let you know. God bless you dear.
One of the books I read was Billy Graham’s Nearing Home. Wonderful encouragement from such a godly man with influence over many years of ministry.
Debiie, I love Billy Graham. Excellent book as well. God bless you.
Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst hands down has completely changed my life! and a close second was The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson!
Hi Shirley! Oh, what an excellent book. God bless you!
My favorite book of all last year would be Jake’s Choice.
I have not read that one Bethany, is it fiction or non-fiction?
Its fiction, a part of the To Save a Life movie series.
Thank you Bethany!! God bless you. So was this a movie or a book?
In the middle of reading Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst and I have no doubt I’ll be rereading it as soon as I am finished!
Yes a definite good read, Jamie. Excellent book. God bless you.
Confessions of a Prayer Slacker by Diane Moody…I really enjoyed this book, it got me so excited and inspired me to start my first Prayer Journal.
I have that one on my reading list Mel, I look forward to reading it. God bless you!
OK, Stas, here I am, entering the giveaway…you asked for it.
A few books that have inspired me lately are not real mainstream: The first is called “Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality” by Richard Rohr, a Franciscan priest, and founder of The center for Action and Contemplation in New Mexico. I love his insights. Other books I’ve read by him are equally enlightening: “Falling Upward” and “Breathing Underwater”. Another more scholarly book is “Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes,” by Richard E. Bailey, a Presbyterian minister who lived for over 40 years in the Middle East. He gives a marvelous unveiling of many Scripture stories and sayings/parables of Jesus from the perspective of the culture of His time. I highly recommend this book because so many times we read the Gospels with our Western/American eyes, and do not even come close to comprehending the nuances of meaning the Lord has for us.
Mei, Thank you! I have heard of Richard Rohr, because I have loved learning about the devotion of the Franciscan Priests and also the Order of Poor Ladies. Saint Clare. I am very interested in reading the other book you mentioned. I might just have to get up there to see you and nab it from your library. It was SOOO wonderful to hear your sweet voice today. Thank you, for loving me and being such a dear friend. Love you so, God bless oh.. and good luck in the contest!
I did the study Breaking Free by Beth Moore. I was very much inspired because it helped me with my deep inner feelings that I had all bottled up and held onto for years. I was able to not only forgive myself but others too.
Deanna, Breaking Free remains my all time favorite Beth Moore Bible Study. Great stuff. God bless you and good luck in the giveaway.
The Bible of course π I’m currently re reading working thru Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst …God is really using it to get in “my business”
Becky, Made to Crave is excellent. I was blessed to be able to chat with Lysa at the last writers conference that I went to. She shared on blogging, writing and she was very inspirational. God bless you and good luck.
The book that inspired me most over the past year… As Silver Refined by Kay Arthur
I am looking forward to reading your blog. I need all the encouragement I can get!
Thank you!
Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for coming along. Looking forward to getting to know you. Please post a comment telling me your most inspirational read this last year for a chance to enter the Chronological Study Bible Giveaway! God bless you and good luck!
My favorite book I have read recently is Unglued. It has really made me think and changing my life.
Julie, I loved that book. I probably need to read it once a month with my crazy life!. God bless you dear and good luck in the Giveaway!
The book that inspires me most is of course the Bible itself! But I did recently finished the Beth Moore Breaking Free study and that was a wonderful study!! Thanks for the chance to win.. I have wanted one of those Bibles for a long time!
Yes Michelle! The Bible is the most inspiring, however, I totally agree with you in regards to Breaking Free. It is still wonderful for me after doing it once and leading the study 5 times! God bless you and good luck in the Giveaway!
“A Confident Heart” by Renee Swope
An excellent choice Cathy! I love love that book. May the Lord lavish His most extravagant love on you today!
WOW thank you for this great opportunity to win this Bible π God Bless π
I’ve read so many excellent books. The Bible is #1 of course. “What To Do On The Worst Day Of Your Life” really spoke to my heart, and I’ve been reading the book by Beth Moore “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things”. It really opened my eyes to how quickly a believer with a pure heart can slide down the slippery slope.
Hi Kristin, I have heard so many wonderful things about “What To Do On The Worst Day Of Your Life” I must get it and read it. My reading list is so long!. God Bless you dear and good luck in the Giveaway!
This year’s most influential book has been The Mirror Bible. This is a work in process by Francois du Toit translated from the original Greek. He provides great notes and explanations that it makes the passages easier to study.
Sherrill, I have not heard of that. I AM intrigued, and am going to seek that one out. Is this book in English? God bless you.
Of all the books I read in 2013 that resonated with me and inspired me the most was “The Beloved Daughter” by Alana Terry. It’s a quick fiction read with a huge punch! This book will convict your heart-I promise!
Wow, Christel I have not heard of Alana Terry. Have you read a lot of her works? I have to get more fiction into my reading schedule. I used to read a lot of fiction. Thank you Darling. God bless you1
My favorite book right now is “Character Makeover”. It has been a challenge and a blessing.
Claudia, I do not think I have read that one, who is the author? Thank you for entering the Giveaway! God bless you and good luck. The Chronological Study Bible is a great resource tool. I am loving it!
What book inspired me the most without doubt would be the Bible π
I really enjoy my studies with the Women’s Bible Cafe! One of my favs has been the Women Of Christmas. I hope to win that Bible!! Thanks Stasia for the chance to win! π *hugs*
purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
Thank you Doreen, and the Women of Christmas was one of my favorites as well! God bless you.
I think the book I ‘m reading now. Stormie Omartin ‘s book “Prayer Warrior ” It is so inspiring. I recommend it everyone.
Dear Polly, YES! Thank you. That is such a great book. A dear friend lent it to me, and when I returned it, I bought the ebook. It is funny though, because I remember when Stormie was a singer!! God bless you and good luck in the Giveaway!
The Bible, I read it through last year for the first time. I intend to read it every year.
Bless you π
Yes, Kim. Most definitely the best book of all. How did you read it through? What plan did you use? God bless you dear.
Love your postings and love that we get to enjoy all the book reviews! My fav bible study book is Gideon with Phyllis Schirer! What a powerful study!
Thank you so much Dee, and WOW Gideon, by Priscilla Schirer is a fantastic study. I really enjoyed that one. God bless you!
The Yada Yada Prayer Group…it was my first Christian Fiction read and it really made me look at my prayer life. I’ve now completed the whole series!
Hi Marie! Great Book! God bless you and good luck in the Giveaway
Been a trying experience trying to enter ..but not giving in I finally found my way! I enjoyed several books that opened my eyes to new ideas of what the writers were trying to say. What God wants us to know ..But my favarite book is the Bible. I would love winning anyone of these wonderful gifts each a treasure! Thank you for the chance to enter.
Just in time Desiree! God bless you and YES the Bible is the the best book I have ever read as well.