by Hope Whisperer | Uncategorized
Our lives took a dramatic change a little less than a year ago when we decided as a family that I would go back to work. Not that I have not worked (very hard) all my life, but actually working a job where I would receive a steady paycheck in order to help our...
by Hope Whisperer | Faith, Family
Looking back over the past year, I cannot help but feel like I have been defrauded in so many ways. At the end of every year I spend a week in focused prayer and fasting. It is a special time of praise for what has transpired and prayer for what is to come. It...
by Hope Whisperer | Bible Study, Blog, Faith
One of my all-time heroes of the faith, George Müller one said, “The vigor of our spiritual life will be in exact proportion to the place held by the Bible in our life and thoughts. I solemnly state this from the experience of fifty-four years…I have read the Bible...