The Miracle of the Ring

    God is the God of Romance. You know, that heart thumping in your chest, sweaty palms kind of romance that we can only dream about. He is the God of dreams too, and since He created romance, love and even dreams in the first place, it makes sense that He...

Following in the Footsteps of the Divine

Crashing waves of bitterness and self pity pounded the empty places within me. What thoughts must have been going through Jesus’ mind when He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane? Burdened and troubled to the point of sweating droplets of blood, Jesus poured out...

Devotions Made Simple

  She was frustrated and had a difficult time getting into a daily Bible reading habit.  “Can you just break it down for me?” As we begin another exciting Study with the Women’s Bible Cafe, it seems that more and more women are asking where to...

A Tale Of Three Kings~Book Review

  A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards is a beautiful allegory based on the biblical figures of Saul, David and Absalom.  This inspirational story offers comfort and hope for hurting and broken Christians. It contains profound truths for leaders as well as lay...

Just A Story~The Finale

This is the continuation of Just A Story~ Everything seemed to go in slow motion. I think I was in a bit of shock as I reached up for the baby. As soon as I had her well in my arms, John came tumbling out of the little cabin. He landed with a thump on the rough...