by Stasia | Bible Study, Devotional, Faith
Everything seemed to move in slow motion. I could see her fragile, elderly frame slowly falling out of the bus and onto the hard cement below. As her walker began to fly out, one of its legs was caught on the folding door that had just barely missed crushing her....
by Stasia | Blog, Devotional, Finances, Missions
I always knew I was of noble birth. I had imagined that someday a finely dressed courier would come with a gilded letter on a silver tray and herald my royal ancestry to the world. It just had to be so. There were many reasons why I knew this to be true, not...
by Stasia | Blog, Faith, Finances, Friends, Missions
There was a dear woman who lived near me in the barrios of Mexico. She was very poor and cared for several of her grand-children all by herself. She was so sweet, and had an amazing smile. About once a week some of the children would come to the gate looking for...