Stronger~Sunday Worship by Hillsong Chapel

I am ever so grateful that our church service starts later on a Sunday morning than most.  Sunday mornings are difficult for us because we have a special needs child.  Our 8 year old daughter, Ella, has Autism and SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder). Ella hates having...

Learning A New Culture

    ~From My Journal~   Many years ago we found ourselves in Thailand doing mission work.  We had just come from Mindanao in the Philippines and it had been a very difficult trip.  When we arrived at the boarding house in Bangkok where we were to stay...

I Am A Missionary

  John and I began our missions experience in 1984 at the Youth With A Mission Olympic Outreach in Los Angeles, California.  We served with YWAM for 17 years and have continued to commit our lives to serving as missionaries (and serving missionaries). Thankyou,...

Those Little Foxes

I scrambled onto the top of the cab of the jeepnee and chained myself in. What an exciting day!  We had just finished a massive open-air type evangelism meeting where hundreds of people made decisions for Christ.  Afterwards we had been invited to eat a lavish meal of...

The Miracle of the Ring

    God is the God of Romance. You know, that heart thumping in your chest, sweaty palms kind of romance that we can only dream about. He is the God of dreams too, and since He created romance, love and even dreams in the first place, it makes sense that He...

Following in the Footsteps of the Divine

Crashing waves of bitterness and self pity pounded the empty places within me. What thoughts must have been going through Jesus’ mind when He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane? Burdened and troubled to the point of sweating droplets of blood, Jesus poured out...