Dangerous Prayers

Dangerous Prayers

It is the type of prayer that one might pray in a grand cathedral while kneeling on a cushioned hassock with arms extended and head bowed in reverent awe.  But the moment that prayer hits the heavens, life will never be the same. I know, because I prayed it....
From Hacked to Holy

From Hacked to Holy

Even though most banks offer excellent recovery service when there is a security breach, it is still a hassle getting new cards issued and ensuring that your personal information is secure once you have been hacked.  Unfortunately for this missionary momma, there is...

Invisible Soul

Spectators lined the streets for more than a quarter of a mile. Exuberant cheers filled the air as the runners made their way towards the Finish Line. “Go Steve! Go! You’ve got this!”         “Looking good Tiffany, so proud of you,”   ...

A Special Brew

Recently I visited my favorite coffee haus’ in Gruene, Texas.  {Gruene Coffee Haus} The owners are lovely Christians and they really do make an awesome Pumpkin Spice Latte.   If you ever get a chance to visit Gruene it is a wonderful little historic district...