It is the type of prayer that one might pray in a grand cathedral while kneeling on a cushioned hassock with arms extended and head bowed in reverent awe. But the moment that prayer hits the heavens, life will never be the same.
I know, because I prayed it.
Oh, I was young and ignorant when I did, but I meant it in my own simple way. It is not that I regret praying it, never. I just didn’t realize the power those twelve little words would have.
The desperately devoted know what it is to feel the loneliness of the cross and the exuberant joy of being reunited with His most extravagant love.
You see, God answers every prayer whether is it spoken or not. His greatest desire is that we live in desperate devotion to Him. The Psalmist wrote that his need for God was that like the deer panting for water. (Psalm 42)
Do we thirst for God like the Psalmist did?
So what about this dangerous prayer? What is it and what does it do?
“Lord, do whatever it takes to keep me desperately devoted to You.”
Those that pray whatever it takes, Lord and really long for it have the most amazing adventures of faith. There are those who pray it that live thrilling lives on the ragged edge and others whose hearts are etched with grief. One can never know what journey may lay ahead of them once those formidable words are uttered but rest assured the destination is always the same.
A person of character and integrity is one who has not allowed the disappointments of life to devastate them.
Clinging for hope and mercy at the very feet of God lay the barren, bruised and broken-hearted. Often unable to form the words to pray, they simply look into His radiant face and know His most ardent love. Remember the woman in Luke chapter 8? Talk about desperate, she not only lost everything she had because of her illness she was considered a complete castaway! She would not give up until she could just touch the hem of Jesus’ coat.
But one touch is all that is needed isn’t it? The desperately devoted know what it is to feel the loneliness of the cross and the exuberant joy of being reunited with His most extravagant love.
I am in no way meaning that God makes bad and horrible things happen. We live in a fallen world and we are quite capable of doing that on our own. However I am saying that if we allow God to use any and every situation whether painful or pain-free as an opportunity for growth, we will soon find the joy of living a life of desperate devotion to Him.
It is not about what happens to you, it is about how you respond to what happens in your life that truly makes or breaks you. A person of character and integrity is one who has not allowed the disappointments of life to devastate them.
Stasia is mother to six beautiful children and wife to a dedicated, loving husband. They have served as a family together on the mission field on four continents for nearly 30 years. Stasia’s passion is to share in true colors the grace of God in her life. You can read more about her and the ministry of the Women’s Bible Cafe here. If this article has blessed you in any small way, please consider showing your support by clicking subscribe in the upper right corner. Copyright© 2015 Stasia Nielsen All Rights Reserved

I agree, that those who pray that prayer and mean it have the most amazing adventures! That prayer has taken me to Zimbabwe, Haiti and throughout the U.S. It is a scary and incredible thing to pray. Bless you and your writing!
Dear Sam,
Are you a missionary? It sounds as if you should be doing some writing. Post a link to your blog, I would love to read it!
I love those crazy, terrifying prayers because you can tell how powerful they are and how God might actually choose to grant them for us :O
Yes and Amen Stephanie. Thank you for sharing that and stopping by. God bless you.
Oh, that would be a dangerous and life-changing prayer! I prayed a similar one a few years back, before I knew enough to know how ‘dangerous’ it would be – “God, where do you want me?” I thought I was just praying about whether to volunteer in Sunday school or lead Bible study, but instead it’s led me on a whole-life transformation. It’s been quite a journey, but so glad I prayed such a crazy prayer.
Kathryn, I would love to hear more. Thank you for sharing. May the Lord richly bless you. Grateful, Stasia
What a powerful prayer to pray. And, I loved your ending thoughts. I strive to be a person of character and integrity. God bless!
Thank you so very much Christine for sharing. May the Lord bless you. Grateful, Stasia
“It is not about what happens to you, it is about how you respond to what happens in your life that truly makes or breaks you. A person of character and integrity is one who has not allowed the disappointments of life to devastate them. ”
I totally agree. It’s easy to look at problems or troubling situations instead of fixing our eyes upon Jesus who is with us through the good and bad, When we lose our focus of Him, our response to unfavorable circumstances leads to a poor response to them.
Thank you so much for sharing Misty. What a blessing. May this coming year be filled with His extravagant love and grace for you. Grateful, Stasia