Mothers cradle incredible potential within their loving {exhausted} arms.
First Place 
The NIV Real-Life Devotional Bible is filled with insightful daily devotions written by Lysa TerKeurst and the women at Proverbs 31 Ministries. Features: The beauty and clarity of the New International Version (NIV) Bible, 366 daily devotions from the women at Proverbs 31 Ministries inspire you to live authentically as a woman of God, Author biographies, and a helpful subject Index.
Second Place
The beautifully embossed and spot varnished chrysanthemum overlays the scripture from 2 Corinthians 12:9-11. A wire bound journal with 1 inch coils and lined pages, each page carrying an inspirational passage at the bottom. 6 x 8.25 Inch – 192 Lined Pages
Third Place
This inspirational mug with “His Grace Is Sufficient For Me” is themed from 2 Corinthians 12:9-11. It will hold 13 ounces and is dishwasher safe. Beautifully gift boxed.
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Stasia is mother to six beautiful children and wife to a dedicated, loving husband. They have served as a family together on the mission field on four continents for nearly 29 years. Stasia’s passion is to share in true colors the grace of God in her life. You can read more about her and the ministry of the Women’s Bible Cafe here. Meet Missionary Mom and Ministry Leader Stasia Nielsen If this article has blessed you in any small way, please consider showing your support by clicking subscribe in the upper right corner.
My favorite memory of my mother … wow that’s tough as there were MANY! My mom was a very special lady who loved God, her family and her 5 children and yet faced many challenges in her faith. She’s been with the Lord for over 22 years now, but I remember her favorite Scripture she often quoted was Romans 8:28 — “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” I sure do miss her!
Joyce, That is one of my favorite scriptures as well. I so needed to hear that this morning Thank YOU! God bless you and Good Luck!
I’m thankful to have a Mother dedicated to teaching us about God’s love. She also demonstrated this through her unselfish commitment to our family.
I think it is wonderful that so many of you had Mothers that brought you up in the nurture of the Lord. God bless you Kay. Good luck!
This would be wonderful to win!
Happy Mother’s Day to all.
my favorite memory of my mother is that she always sang God will take care of you. Momma sang this all the time.. and if someone asked how she could handle something going on in her life she always said well God figures I can handle this one too. I miss my mother tremendously.. She went home to be with the Lord in 2oo1.
Thank you so very much Joanna for that lovely note. What a blessing to grow up with a mamma who loved Jesus. Thank you, God bless you and good luck!
My memory of my mother is she show me how to be a good wife. When you kids you need to be home with your children and set a good example for to follow.
Thank you, Anita, and YES to be that good example you have to BE there. It takes time to stop everything and spend time training the little ones in the right way. Thank you for sharing. God bless you and good luck in the Giveaway!
The best memories I have of my mom are the times she spent teaching me about being a homemaker….
My favorite memory of my Momma is how she has showed me to never stop loving Daddy God, no matter how hard things get. She has been tested and tested, and still, she loves and puts all her trust in Daddy God! She is blessed to see her kids and grand kids loving and serving our Awesome God! I love my Momma and she’s been such a blessing to me, my siblings, and our kids.
My Mom was a very caring person and taught me all about being a caregiver for others. She always put others needs above hers. I lost her when she was only 55 years old. I have missed her every single day of my life, but am very thankful for all she has taught me through all her selfless acts towards others.
Thank you for sharing that Patricia. That was very precious. God bless you, Darling and good luck in the Giveaway!
Her hugs!!!! 🙂
Melissa, my mom was not a hugger, but my blessed mother in law certainly was and boy do I miss her hugs. Hugs are truly amazing things, a real gift from the Lord. God bless you dear. Good luck in the Giveaway!
Unfortunately I don’t have any memories of my Mom as Jesus took her home when I was 3
Dear Jeanne, I am so sorry to hear that. I pray God’s richest blessings on your life! Good luck in the giveaway!
My mom was always there for us kids. When we came home from school there was always a snack for us. In the summer she took us to the beach or Mission Bay every day. We went to the Zoo, parks, skating with Mom.
She made me cook dinner for my family once a week when I got older to teach me about cooking for a family. I hated it, but I am so glad she did that now! I love my Mom! I am slowly losing her to Alzeheimers Disease.
Dear Cindy, thank you for sharing this. I am so sorry that you are going through this. I will be praying for you and your family. God bless you.
I lost my Mother 3 years ago and miss her every day. I wish I would have caught on long before now the things she was always trying to convey. I hope that someday I can be half the person she was in Christ. I can’t seem to soak up the enough of the scriptures or anything that might teach me more of his love for me. Thank you for the awesome chance of winning one of these items. Happy Mother’s Day to everyone in advance.
Dearest Beverly,
Thank you so much for the lovely note. I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like your mum was a wonderful and godly woman. God bless you, darling… and good luck in the Giveaway!
My mom homeschooled all 5 of us… she spent hours dedicated to us everyday to ensure that we were brought up in the Word of God! There are so many wonderful memories of working with her!!! She taught me so much and is such an inspiration to me!!!
Dear Christina, Thank you so much for sharing that. It encourages me as a home schooling mom of 6….