Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.
Benjamin Franklin
We need no other distraction than ourselves when we get together as a family. Memories about missions or wonderful relatives bring hearty laughter and great conversation about a plethora of important {as well as silly} subjects. Some of our most sacred moments are cuddling the little ones next to us while sharing the story of our lives with them.
There was the time when grandpa walked home from the grocery store. A few hours later he realized his truck was missing. After carefully retracing his steps with the help of family, and a couple of very patient policemen, the truck was found. It was right where he had parked it when he went to the store to buy groceries.
We have had a wealth of adventure on and off the mission field over the last 34 years. I am a story-teller at heart and love to share in true colors all that God has done in us and through us, even the broken and embarrassing bits. When I started writing our stories a few years back, I never thought that it would bring me to this place.
A couple of years ago, with the guidance of a dear friend, I began to get serious about writing. It meant starting afresh with a different mindset. It was a complete paradigm shift. We live in a world that has an attention span of 140 characters and perhaps a few bright images. I felt like a pork chop at a bat mizpah but she had the patience of an angel.
In October of 2013 I was blessed with a ticket to the Re:Write Conference in Austin, Texas. {You can read more about the conference here~~~> Re:Write Conference} Nothing would prepare me for what I was about to experience. It would take volumes to thank all of those precious people who made that time so wonderful for me. I left with two goals, and they would be a mammoth undertaking for me. I was determined to submit a book proposal in the 2015 Re:Write Writers Contest.
As 2014 wore on, the important gave way to the urgent as missionaries came and went here at the Stepping Stone. With homeschooling, children in college and running a busy mission ranch, I was becoming painfully aware that it would be impossible to reach my goals. On another note, I was not sure that I really wanted to. The thought of writing that manuscript was making me feel uneasy and vulnerable. As a mater of fact I was downright terrified. So I did what any other person in my position would do, procrastinate until it was nearly too late.

I would like to congratulate all of the Finalists in the 2015 Re:Write Writers Contest. What an incredible honor it will be to meet you next month. May the Lord lavish His most extravagant love on you all.
Now mind you, the manuscript was actually something that had been in the works for a long time. People have been telling me for many years to write a book. As a matter of fact, we indie published my Food Memoirs in 2011 and it has done pretty well on Amazon. It started as an experiment to see if we could do it, and ended up being a great experience working together as husband and wife. It was a wonderful experience for us both, and although I am not so happy with my editing, I am proud that John and I did it together. {You did an fantastic job, Hunny]
Out of obedience to the Lord and a lot of help from my precious daughter and beloved husband, I finally gathered all my notes, journals and scraps and began writing the manuscript. My dear friends at the local Starbucks kept me well caffeinated as I wept openly in the cafe while plugging away at the computer. I was laid up in bed for a day and a half with incredible back spasms and could hardly move. {really Starbucks, do something about those chairs, please} Mary DeMuth speaks of ‘bleeding on the page’ and I felt that I had done just that. After reviewing it a hundred times, I submitted my work for the Re:Write Writing Contest.
We received word last week that I was chosen as one of the Ten Finalist for the The 2015 Re:Write: The Ragged Edge Writers Contest. I was completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from friends and followers on social media as well as my writing community at Compel {Proverbs 31 Ministries}. Words fail to express my gratitude to God and all of you for your encouragement.
As for my goals, the first was simply to believe the Lord to be able to go to the conference this year. It is a huge undertaking for us as faith based missionaries. I have my ticket, however, we are believing the Lord for Lauren to be able to come along, as well as for our travel and accommodation. The second goal was to submit the manuscript and being chosen as a finalist is icing on the cake.