There was a dear woman who lived near me in the barrios of Mexico. She was very poor and cared for several of her grand-children all by herself. She was so sweet, and had an amazing smile. About once a week some of the children would come to the gate looking for food. Ramon and Jasmine were my favorites. Ramon always needed some wound cared for and Jasmine had this smile that would light the night.
Somehow we always had something to give them when they came over. I had 11 different families come to the gate one weekend looking for food. Ramon and Jasmine came on the Sunday looking for something as well and I had nothing left. I was even wondering what we were going to be eating the next day. But, looking into Jasmine big eyes and toothless grin, I had to at least go in and pretend to look in the pantry. So I went to the cupboard, and there hidden in the back of the cupboard were 2 kilos of rice and 2 kilos of beans, enough for the both of us. Amazed at God’s provision, I explained to them of His great love for both of our families and sent them on their way with the food.
It was during this time that I had been attempting to perfect my arroz con leche recipe. This is a traditional Latin food eaten weekly by families just about everywhere we have lived in Mexico. One day I made a huge pot of this delicious treat and because it was too much for our family to eat I decided to run most of it to my dear friend and her grand kids, piping hot because they have no way to cook. I just thought they would really enjoy it nice and hot.
Knowing that whatever dish I sent it over in would never come back, I looked throughout the cupboards for some old useless pot . The pot I found took me back into my memories. As I handled it, I remembered exactly the day I opened the pretty wedding wrapping that held my pot. Over twenty-nine years ago I was gifted this, my first soup pot. I took it everywhere with us on the mission field in my suitcase, I was so afraid I would not have what I needed along the way. I shed a tear at my lack of faith, because through all these years and in all these countries, wherever we have gone as a family, God has never failed to provide more than we needed when it came to food. This was the perfect pot to give them the piping hot, sweetened rice milk. So, with love and prayers I prepared and delivered the rice.
Oh, you should have seen the excitement! The children were dipping their fingers in the hot mush before grandma could get the pot into their little shed. I felt on top of the world as I waved good-bye to them, and my pot. But this was not the last I was to see that special pot.
Two days later, Ramon and Jasmine faithfully brought me my pot, without even asking for more food. They told me how delicious the rice was and how wonderful it was to eat it so nice and hot. I asked them if they wanted more and of course they did. So the next day I filled the pot again and this time I sprinkled it with raisins. I could see that grandma was surprised. She was so blessed, as her health makes it difficult to forage the fields for wood to cook with. She promised me as she took the pot, she would wash it up and return it as soon as possible. I told her no rush, but when she did, I was sure God would get it back to her full with something nice and hot. And that is how is exactly what happened for those few months, the pot came empty and left full. Children had a hot meal, and we all had an opportunity to experience the provision of the Lord yet once again.
Stasia is mother to six beautiful children and wife to a dedicated, loving husband. They have served as a family together on the mission field on four continents for nearly 30 years. She is a Crisis Response Chaplain with the BGEA Rapid Response Teams. Stasia’s passion is to share in true colors the grace of God in her life. She serves as Co-Director of the Women’s Bible Cafe. Stasia is also the CEO of LifeVerse Books. Subscribe to LVB to receive regular free and discounted book deals and timely reviews. If this article has blessed you in any small way, please consider showing your support by clicking subscribe in the upper right corner. Copyright© 2018 Stasia Nielsen. All Rights Reserved.

Beautiful story — and you are doing exactly what the Lord wants – Matthew 25:35 – 40 – Here is just one part of it… For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, (ESV version)
Thanks for all you do!