Dare to Believe in God’s Power in All Circumstances
A few years ago I found myself sharing some amazing and personal stories of faith and miracles to a group of women in a poverty stricken area of Mexico. As their children played around their feet, I endeavored to encourage them to believe the Lord for their own miracles. God is the Author and Finisher of our faith and I longed for them to have their own rich stories of God’s provision for their families as well. I told them this story:
John had been preparing to lead a team for the 1992 Barcelona Olympics while I was heavily pregnant with our third daughter. It was becoming evident that I would not be able to go on this outreach and I was feeling sorry for myself that I would be missing out on all the God-filled miracles that would be happening over those weeks.
The whole of my pregnancy I had been in and out of the hospital with the Drs dumbfounded as to why I was so ill and losing weight. Finally, our beautiful baby girl was born a week before Christmas in the blistering hot Sydney summertime. Two days after our dear Lauren was born, a simple test revealed why I had been so very ill. I had been stricken with a terrible case of giardia, a parasite I unknowingly received on an outreach. Our whole family was immediately put on antiparasitic drugs.
The illness as well as the medication left even my newborn daughter weak and ill. She was put on a special formula to her help gain weight and get healthy. I remember the day that I had I prepared the last bit of formula for a bottle for her. There was none left, and nothing I could do. The cupboards were bare and to top it off, I had no coffee to drown my sorrows in. I cuddled my sweet newborn and gave her the bottle while I prayed the old familiar prayer. “They are yours, You called us, You promised to provide, I will try to wait and know You are God.”

The original “missionary” bag. It is versatile, sturdy and has many uses. The most common of which is for donated items for the mission the field.
A knock at the door brought me back to reality. I nearly sprang to my feet, WOW I had hardly prayed ‘Amen’ and here was the answer. I threw open the door and no one was there. There was an old rice bag, full of stuff laying there. I slammed the door. I went to my room, threw myself on the bed with the attitude of a teenager who was just informed she could not go out over the weekend. I cried, “God, I did not ask for another bag of pre-loved clothes, we don’t need pre-loved clothes, we need food, toilet paper, washing powder. Lord, what are you trying to do to me here?” I must have wept a while, and eventually I heard a voice tell me to, “look in the bag.”
I repented for my horrid attitude. Grateful that God was blessing us with more pre-loved things (never felt the word “used” was a good word for missionary kids so we say “pre-loved”) I went to the door and hauled in the enormous bag.
I went for a glass of water and the strength to go thru the stuff. It would be a usual sort job, a pile for us for now, for friends, for later and for the rubbish heap. I unzipped the bag and to my surprise the first thing I found was a large bag of diapers. As I pulled it out I was met with oats, flour, toilet paper, Lauren’s special formula, chocolates and cookies, apples and bananas. Toys, new coat hangers, and clothes pins, washing soap, shampoo, the list was endless, even a bag of very nice coffee beans.
With each new discovery the tears flowed. The children were all napping and I enjoyed my solitude with the Lord. I felt my heart touched with great humility for my attitude. I felt my spirit fly as everything we needed was in that old worn out rice bag. Even things we did not need, just fun stuff, like the cookies, and the coffee.
I grabbed my Bible and prayed for forgiveness. I had nothing to offer Him. Filled with gratitude, I asked for a greater understanding of His ways. I had so much to learn, and still do.~~
After I shared this story with the women, we prayed and asked the Lord to provide for their needs.
A few days later, an excited mom and dear friend came to my gate with her 5 year old son. She told me her story.
“We had no food sister Stasia, as you know my husband is crippled and we had no money to buy food. Miguel told me, ‘Mami, why don’t you pray like tia Stasia said at the meeting?’ Sister Stasia, I did not even think he was listening. Miguel took my hands and put them on the fridge (I have seen her fridge… it is an old powerless one they use to store food in).
Miguel prayed, ‘Lord Jesus, I am hungry please give us food’. You would not believe it, little Miguel opened the fridge and there was a hot roasted chicken, tortillas, vegetable and milk. He squealed with delight and closed the door. Yes, it was still there! He opened and closed the door over and over again. It was too good to be true.”
The next week, my friend and her sweet little son excitedly share their miracle with the group. It seemed as if each week, for many weeks we had yet another miracle amongst the group of women. With each story their faith was built up a little more. It was absolutely contagious.
As we studied the Power of Faith in our Faith Dare this week, I was reminded of this story many times. When we see the Lord do powerful and miraculous things in our lives, our faith is built. When we share our stories with others we are not just sharing stories, we are sharing our faith.
We share our faith in the One who richly blesses us with His extravagant love and provision.
Stasia is mother to six beautiful children and wife to a dedicated, loving husband. They have served as a family together on the mission field on four continents for nearly 29 years. Stasia’s passion is to share in true colors the grace of God in her life. You can read more about her and the ministry of the Women’s Bible Cafe here. Meet Missionary Mom and Ministry Leader Stasia Nielsen If this article has blessed you in any small way, please consider showing your support by clicking subscribe in the upper right corner.
Powerful <3 thank you for sharing
My tears felt as I read the testimony of God’s goodness. Thank you for sharing.
Dearest Julie, May the Lord richly bless you today.
Wow! What a wonderful story. I was in the drug store this morning and the cashier was telling me that they were so very poor growing up that they had “toast coffee” for breakfast. She said her Mom would make coffee, very sweet, and then they would crumble up their toast in it. So, I in turn, told her in Africa where I was on a short term mission trip that the little ones take bread and crumble it up into their very hot, very sweet tea! She said she understood that perfectly and thanked me for sharing with her.
That is wonderful, being able to share yous missions’ experiences with others. Thank you for sharing this with me. God bless you dear.
Dear Stasia,
Blessed be the name of Jesus. My sister sent me this and my husband and I just read it after our devotions and I was in tears, because of the Grace of God ! His Mercy endures forever !!!
Dearest Lillian, what a precious note. How wonderful to have daily devotions as a couple. What an inspiration you are. Thank you for the encouragement. May The Lord richly bless you both. Thank you.
Oh my, I got goosebumps when I read that “Lauren’s special formula” was in that bag—-amazing God! And how tenderly sweet of Him to give you not just what you really needed, but a simple desire like coffee. I’ve been feeling that stress, that questioning about His provision, and it’s testimonies like yours that help me remember He’s still the same–yesterday, today, forever….Amen and amen!
Thank you again, for your sweet encouragement. Why can’t we live closer to each other? I think we would have the bestest coffee dates. God bless you darling.
I decided to come and catch up on my emails, and there is something very special about you Stasia, I don’t know you personally, but when we started with Breaking Free Bible Study, I wanted to take my class with you, knowing that you were a missionary mom, I knew It would be interesting and you would have so much to show us, I was right…. Your stories just fill me with tears, joy and also with the notion, that I need to pray for you more. I was reading how you start your days with prayer and I just felt touched that I am so blessed that I can be home and have the time to pray for others, and you are a Mom with quite a few children, and that what you do is not very easy, however, I do understand that the Lord has called you and is with you, but I need to learn that I have nothing to complain about, so Thank you so much for sharing your stories, i will like to share them with others, If I may….
I think you should write a book about your missionary work, and your testimonies….
I love you Stasia, and I pray for your family and your children so the Lord may keep you under his arms, keep your children safe, and give your the strength, and the boldness to keep you strong…
You have blessed me this morning.
Thank you Again
Dearest Isabel, How can I thank you for your kind words of encouragement? I realy needed them this morning. I’m so excited to have you with me on this journey of faith together. God is so good.
Stasia, as usual I LOVE this word. It has really ministered to me today! Thank you again for being so faithful to the Lord and to His Body!
Thank you for your kind words Linda. May The Lord richly bless you today!!!
What precious stories you have to tell!! Thank you!!
Dearest Tara. It meant a lot to see that you had read my stories. Thank you so much.